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Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 1 Nr. 2

Data aparitiei: September 2002
Revista: Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 1Nr. 2
ISSN: 1843 - 3707
Pret: Gratuit    
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Contain all the articles from this issue


Ten years of Environmental Engineering and Management education and research at the Technical University of Iasi

Matei Macoveanu, Carmen Teodosiu


ICEEM/01  - Environmental Engineering Section

Removal of nitrogen oxides from Diesel exhaust: Laboratory studies for development of an SCR-catalyst-system using solid urea as reducing agent

Werner Weisweiler

High temperature desulphurization of hydrogen sulphide containing gases on zinc oxide absorbents
Ion Untea, Eugen Pincovschi, Madeleine D??ncil??

NOx and SO2 removal from exhaust gases in combined electric field
Tudor Sajin, Alexandru Craciun, Cleopatra Botez, Gheorghe Duca

Effect of V3+/ Fe2+ substitution on the selective catalytic reduction of NO by ammonia over mixed oxides derived from layered double hydroxides

Gabriela Carja, Hiroo Niiyama

Optimization of power plant burning process in order to minimize pollutants emmisions and the lost heat

Corneliu Cojocaru, Matei Macoveanu , Valeriu Nagacevschi

Use of oxidized activated carbons in water treatment process
Tudor Lupascu, Mihail Ciobanu, Nina Timbaliuc 

Catalitic wet peroxide oxidation of an azo dye, Reactive Yellow 84, over Fe-exchanged ultrastable Y zeolite

Cezar Catrinescu, Mariana Neamtu, Ayfer Yediler, Matei Macoveanu, Antonius Kettrup

Applications of heterogeneous photocatalysis for industrial wastewater treatment
Anca Florentina Caliman, Carmen Teodosiu, Ion Balasanian

Environmental pollution and its harmful impact on vegetal species
Valentin I. Popa, Ruxanda Bodarlau, Carmen-Alice Teaca 

Analytical characterization of the Black Sea coast lakes

Elisabeta Chiril??, Stoica Preda Godeanu, Marioara Godeanu, Liviu Daniel Gala??chi, Petre Capot??

ICEEM/01 - Environmental Management Section Case study regarding the treatment of pollutants resulted from the S.C.Metadet S.A. Falticeni work plant 

Mihai Nicu, Matei Macoveanu, Nelu Corneliu Ilie, Virgil Barboiu

Effects and risk analysis of insecticides used in Dutch agricultural systems on non-target insects
Manon Vaal, Edward Kuijer, Marije Van Mannekes, Dick Groenendijk , Martin Van den Berg 

Risk Management: Land-use planning under european approach

Maria Gavrilescu

Preliminary actions for the ISO 14001 implementation in a synthetic yarns and fibers plant

Brindusa Robu, Carmen Teodosiu

Well defined silica-alumina support for environmental pollution prevention
Anne Giroir-Fendler, Lucette Tidahy, Eduard Iojoiu, Anne Julbe

Low - Pollution Bleaching of Pulp

Dan Gavrilescu

ICEEM/01 - Environmental Education Section

Innovative environmental education -- The case of IIIEE, Sweden

Adriana Budeanu

Science Shop contributions to environmental curriculum development
Carmen Teodosiu, Anca Florentina C??liman 

NGO's involvement in education for environmental protection

Br??dut Dima, Mihai Dima,Vasile Meglei


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