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Data aparitiei: July 2013
Revista: Environmental Engineering and Management JournalVol. 12Nr. 7
ISSN: 1843 - 3707
Pret: Gratuit    
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A fast economic development in China over the
last three decades has lifted hundreds of millions of
people out of poverty. However, an annual GDP
increase of over 10% due to the large scale industrial
activities and fast urbanization has released substantial
amounts of pollutants into the environment and exerted
tremendous pressure on local ecosystems. Although a
large amount of investment has been made by the
Chinese government and a series of efforts have been
made by the environmental regulators, scientists and
engineers, the current situation in China is still
The water in many major rivers cannot be used
as drinking water; More than half of the major lakes
cannot be considered as drinking water sources as well
due to high levels of nutrients (N & P); Many water
bodies are even unfit for irrigation; Soils in key
agricultural regions are contaminated by heavy metals;
Scarce arable land and water resources and important
biodiversity are being lost; China’s carbon and nitrous
oxide emissions are rising; The air quality in many
major cities is worrying.
China urgently needs to shift to a more
environmentally sustainable model. Full efforts should
be made to consider the future growth without further
undermining ecosystems and the natural resources.
Among them, water resources management and water
pollution control is critical in China and will be of
increasing importance in the future.
This special issue on recent advances in water
resource management & pollution control in
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
(EEMJ) provides a good opportunity to showcase the
most recent research and development on China’s water
resource management and pollution control by Chinese
scholars (mainland and overseas) and their colleagues
The issue begins with a holistic view on
China’s water management – challenges and solutions.
It is followed by different sized research on wastewater
and sludge treatment, including novel process
development, deep understanding of the treatment
mechanisms and cost-effective treatment optimization.
Thereafter, the issue presents a number of studies on
China’s water resource management in regional and
national levels.
The authors are invited to contribute their most
recent research findings and practical technologies
which can most likely be applied in China. We hope that
water resource management and pollution control in
China will gain a new momentum, if any, through this
special issue.
We would like to thank all the authors invited for
their participation, this enriching the diversity of
perspectives and contents of this special issue. In
particular, we highly appreciate the great support from
Professor Matei Macoveanu, Editor-in-Chief of
EEMJ, and Professor Maria Gavrilescu, Executive
Editor, for providing the valuable journal volume to
dedicate a special issue.
Thanks are also given to a number of
reviewers. Their precious time and invaluable and
detailed suggestions have been especially helpful in
improving the quality of each paper and therefore this
special issue. In addition, we wish to sincerely thank the
Irish EPA, Research office and Ryan Institute at NUI,
Galway, for their financial support towards the
publication of this special issue.

Cuvinte cheie:


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