Low-carbon logistics is an important part of the fight against global climate change. It is particularly important that rapidly
expanding cities establish scientific and comprehensive evaluation indexes for low-carbon logistics in order to accurately and
quickly determine their logistics development situation. This paper develops an evaluation index system, especially including low
carbon technological progress, and applies the entropy weight method to calculate the weights of indicators using the Driving
force–Pressure–State–Impact–Response (DPSIR) framework, thus avoiding the defects of weighting indicators determined
subjectively in a multi-index evaluation. The results show that Beijing’s logistics development is lower than that of comparable
cities. The driving force is strong, but the pressure is weak. The “state” and “impact” factor scores indicate that the per capita
increases in the logistics industry’s fixed asset investment and telecommunications business as well as consistent investments in
labour and the implementation of logistics emissions standards have improved the development of Beijing’s low-carbon logistics.
Mandatory policies could serve as a response factor and foster further improvement.